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The three remaining survivors of the New Dalek Empire, with their heavily damaged Dalek saucer, located a Progenitor device, capable of restoring the Dalek race, which refused to activate for them due to their "impurity". The Daleks decided to lure the Doctor to them by posing as man-made machines in World War II. Gaining the Doctor's "testimony" that they were truly Daleks, the Progenitor finally activated for them, creating a new faction of improved Daleks who thought themselves as superior. These Daleks were led by a white Dalek Supreme. Under the Supreme's orders, the old Daleks were destroyed by the new ones. The Supreme Dalek then threatened to destroy the Earth using an Oblivion Continuum. While the Doctor rushed to Earth to disarm the device, the Supreme Dalek and his subordinates departed the era in a time corridor.

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